to catalyze healing supreme

Welcome to Tarot Supreme. As human beings, within this vast Universe, it can be difficult to keep one's footing. In a fast-paced, shallow, and hyperconnected world, the meanings of stability, healing, forgiveness, love, and abundance are constantly changing before us; taking multiple forms depending on who one speaks to, when, where, how and why. Amidst it all, it is easy to forget one’s own capacity to alchemize unique meanings by way of a critical presence of one’s mind, body, and spirit. Nonetheless, with the slightest push toward recognition of our potential, transformation is catalyzed, changing us forever.

— Love, Justin

Services at a Glance

  • Four cartomancy offerings ranging in price from $66 to $121.

    Most popular: The Standard Reading > $66

    Click here to read more.

  • Hydromancy is an indigenous and esoteric form of divination that utilizes water as its medium. A unique service available only through Tarot Supreme.

    One all-encompassing Hydromancy Reading at $121, and the Cleansing Bath offering at $212.

    Add-ons including candle service, massage, and house visits available for an additional cost.

    Click here to read more.

  • Three astrology offerings ranging in price from $88 to $111.

    Most popular: The Natal Reading > $88

    **New: The Rectification Reading > $111

    Click here to read more.

  • One offering at $80 for a 45 minute deep-tissue massage.

    Add-ons and house visits available for an additional cost.

    Click here to read more.

  • Individual recurring meetings charged by an hourly rate of $44/hour rather than per service. Ideal for those who want a spiritual guide/go-to for any number of reasons, including but not limited to learning how to read tarot or other spiritual practices, conducting informal and less-structured readings on multiple topics, and having quick access to me and my knowledge (i.e. mentees get priority when booking appointments).

    ~ The first appointment is a fixed rate of $88 dollars for a two hour meeting to discuss one’s goals and conduct an initial spiritual assessment.

    Click here to book a session.

  • Tarot Supreme is available for in-person and virtual events including workshops, readings for large groups, and more. Pricing is variable depending on the time, date, location, and structure of the event.

    Click here to inquire.

  • Want to gift someone a service? All services are giftable with no added fee.

    Click here to read more.

about me:

justin henry | he/they | author, artist, healer extraordinaire

Justin likes to refer to themself as a “queen of many trades:” an advocate, artist, and healer extraordinaire. They were born and raised in Brooklyn, NY, and they’re a Libra Sun, Scorpio Rising, and Cancer Moon. As the founder of Tarot Supreme, they catalyze transformation and healing with specialization in tarot, astrology, hydromancy, massage therapy and other esoteric practices. With a base of over 100 clients across the world, Justin has not only penned their own tarot guidebook, but they’ve also taught workshops on several occasions at institutions of business and higher education. Their work has touched A24, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, St. Johns University, Southern Oregon University, the CUNY Center for Graduate Studies, Half Magic Beauty, Afropunk, LogoTV, Cultured Mag, Queerency, and Art in America. Alongside their spiritual work, they’re also a self-taught, freelance makeup artist, and a budding psychologist having graduated from Columbia University in 2021 with a Bachelors in Psychology and Sociology.

social media, payment info, and other links:

“What I am saying then is: just as you don’t know how you manage to be conscious, how you manage to grow and shape this body of yours, that doesn’t mean to say that you’re not doing it. Equally, you don’t know how the universe shines the stars, constellates the constellations, and galactifies the galaxies; you don’t know. But that doesn’t mean to say that you aren’t doing it; in just the same way as you are breathing without knowing how you breathe.”

— Alan Watts

my background

a spiritual bumpy road

As a child, I had no idea that I was a "healer." I just found myself drawn to the occult out of personal interest. Then, it was "coincidental." I had figured that I was just a "weird" kid who liked things that other kids didn't. I collected crystals before knowing their power; I bought tarot cards for fun; and I used astrology simply as a tool for analyzing my interpersonal relationships. Since learning the language and lessons necessary to critically examine my interest in these areas, I now see that I had been a spiritualist from the very beginning, fettered by outdated and uncomprehensive understandings of the world and the universe. Now, I have my own spiritual advisement business.

In the same way that I have transformed on a winding, nonlinear path of knowing and unknowing, I now commit myself to providing transformative spiritual guidance to others.